Answering services for small businesses are on the rise. One of the main reasons for this is that small businesses are the companies that are really powering America right now. While unemployment is holding steady, there is no hiring. That being said, many people are out there trying to build their own small business. It makes a lot of sense, then, for a small business to either answer calls themselves or hire an external firm to answer calls.
Answering services for small businesses are really an important function to consider. The reason is that they provide your company with a professional image. This is true regardless of whether you have a live person or an automated service.
A full time receptionist is fairly expensive. This is especially true if this person is full time with benefits. Salaries can range from $1,750 – $2,500 per receptionist per month, plus payroll taxes, paid vacations and holidays. Now, the benefit of a full time receptionist is, of course, he / she can greet clients, perform physical document filing and more in addition to answering the phones.
Small businesses can project the image of a much larger business through effective answering services. Most small businesses are limited by the smallness of their own ventures. They think small and act small. Perhaps that attitude can be understood as few small companies get the opportunity to work with Fortune 1000 companies.
Small businesses must think beyond their limitations whether they are looking to seek retail customers or large corporate customers. Big attracts big, and if a business can project the image of a big corporation, the chances of it getting contracts from larger non-profit organizations and corporate rise.
Why don’t large businesses work with small businesses?
The main reason why large corporations prefer doing business with large companies over small is the insecurity of the finance manager making the buying decision. If a manager hires a small business for any service and it fails to deliver, the manager’s job is at risk. However, if a large business fails to deliver, this one-off failure would be attributed to unprecedented circumstances without challenging the manager’s decision. Small businesses are capable of delivering the same results as its larger peers. However, there is a greater pressure on them to prove their worth.
Answering services make small businesses seem large. The main objective of any small business owner who wants to solicit large corporate customers is to make the business appear larger than it is. The image can be achieved by hiring an effective answering service or call center. The telephone answering service should make customers feel they are talking to the company directly, and not an automated message taker. This is important as automated answering services can put customers off.
Our phone answering service use staffing practices that focus on attracting highly skilled phone answering service professionals, many with college degrees and technical knowledge. We employ an internally developed agent retention and professional development plan which inspires a culture of quality throughout our organization. The bottom line: MBOS seamlessly bridges the gap between your business and your customers. allowing businesses of all kind increased productivity and lower operational overhead. Go ahead, generate greater returns today.
Call the MBOS phone answering service team today at
918.623.9155, or send us a message for an overview of what we can do for you. MBOS’s live telephone answering service solutions will redefine your what you come to expect from your telephone answering service provider.