Streamline Communications, Increase Resident Satisfaction
Research shows that good communication between management and residents plays a key role in resident satisfaction and retention. MyBackOffice Solutions helps residents, community associations and property managers provide timely, personalized communications without stretching the staff or the budget.
Now your company can rely on Resident Notification Systems from MyBackOffice Solutions to stay connected with residents. Whether it’s urgent or routine, MyBackOffice Solutions helps you get the word out quickly and reliably. It’s simple to send messages to your entire resident list or any group without tying-up your staff, your phone lines or interrupting your operations.
With MyBackOffice Solutions, you reach your residents using the communication method of their choice: voice, text, or email. When you place your message, it’s immediately delivered to everyone at once and can be delivered across all three communication mediums.
Residential communities use our Automated Resident Notification Service for:
Emergencies – Severe weather warnings, amber/silver alerts, evacuation notices, security warnings, police actions
Operational issues – Street, gate and facility closures, elevator malfunctions, alarm tests, maintenance, planned outages, snow removal updates
Rent & fee notices – Past-due reminders; recipients can directly connect back to a billing office to make payments
Event reminders – Board and association meetings, social events, classes; recipients can respond using their keypad to confirm attendance
Special features allow you to tailor messages to your specifications:
- Use the medium your residents and staff prefer: voice, or, SMS Text
- Set-up subgroups within your call list to target your messages to specific audiences, such as residents located on a street, floor or building
- Give recipients the option to transfer to a live service representative or staff member
- Choose the caller ID number you want displayed when you call
- Record and store frequently used messages for even faster implementation
- Gather important feedback from recipients when they enter a keypad response
- Get documentation – detailed reporting that’s available within minutes confirms successful contacts and explains unsuccessful attempts (no answer, line busy, disconnected)
Convenient for people on the go
MyBackOffice Solutions provides the ultimate in convenience and messaging abilities. Get a free trial account, view real-time confirmation reports and send messages in seconds.
Set-up is simple, efficient and secure. There’s no software to purchase, no hardware to install and no additional phone lines are required. Our data transfer and storage employ the highest level of data encryption available