Schools Weather emergencies, announce a school play, an unauthorized absence, a field trip reminder, or a child’s medication needs:MyBackOffice Solutions’ SMS (Text Messaging) and Voice Broadcasting Solutions can handle any kind of event that requires schools to efficiently contact parents about their child’s education and health…Who’s Using This Service? Throughout the country, more and more elementary, grade and high schools are following in the footsteps of colleges and schools by adopting Text Messaging and Voice Broadcast to communicate with parents and families. MyBackOffice Solutions understands the need to improve communication, and its service is safe, easy, and affordable. MyBackOffice Solutions’ Products MyBackOffice Solutions products allow school administrators to create a myriad of campaigns that can be sent to hundreds of phone numbers instantly. Many industries must keep up with the ever-evolving technological times, and academia is no exception. In fact, colleges and schools across the country, are getting on board with implementing SMS, and voice, emergency notifications, often for weather alerts or on-campus threats, Why SMS and Voice Broadcasting? It’s no secret that SMS and Voice Broadcast have unprecedented reach. Statistics show that the number of cell phones in the world will exceed the number of humans. In many cases, cell phones are the only way to stay in touch with people. With this in mind, SMS texting is unparalleled in its efficiency and reception. In fact, research shows that 95% of all SMS are opened in the first 5 minutes, proving these messages are received and read. For school administrators, this kind of tool is incredibly valuable, especially when grappling with a larger and larger student body. The task of calling individuals one by one is inefficient and archaic Improved communication and better relationships between teachers, students, and parents are keys to a successful education MyBackOffice Solutions’s SMS and Voice Broadcast create new ways to communicate and stronger relationships that make sense in our changing times. Teachers and administrators have found multiple ways to use MyBackOffice Solutions’ products – all with the goal of helping the student… By creating a MyBackOffice Solutions account, schools have the option of choosing which tools fit their needs best and they can control how these messages are created and sent out, keeping parents informed and students safe.