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Triumph The Church And Kingdom Of God In Christ North Bessemer AL

Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God in Christ welcomes you to find out more about this unique and blessed congregation.  We define Triumph as the ability to master, overcome, subdue and conquer everything that is not like God.  Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God in Christ goes beyond the church or religion and focuses on a way of life.  That life centers on a spiritually grounded lifestyle of positive attitudes and actions.

Triumph the Church promotes family values and is given to restore man, woman and child back to the order of God.  We are a biblically-based church that operates in the five-fold ministry and are founded on the written, spoken and revealed word of God.

You can visit Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God in Christ at 1431 13th Avenue in North Bessemer or contact Reverend Christopher Ruffin at 205-229-5105.


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